Installing LineageOS Unofficial on Pixel 3a

Out of Date

This guide is now out of date since LineageOS officially supports the Pixel 3a, see more here:

In this post I aim to highlight my findings in deciding to go through the process of installing LineageOS on my Pixel 3a. Currently, LineageOS does not officially support the Pixel 3a. However, InvisibleK (Dan Pasanen) does host updated versions of his unofficial LineageOS build for the Pixel 3a complete with a custom recovery to utilize for this purpose!

OpenPGP: Updating Key Expiration

It’s a good idea to update your GPG key(s) before they expire. Mine is set to expire year, from whence I last updated the expiration. Let’s explore how this is done!

STM32F0 with libopencm3 - Part 1: Simple Timer

After having reviewed Part 0 of this series, we can now explore controlling GPIO with the hardware timers! Other tutorials have used the Systick timer as a good introduction to adding a delay for blinking an LED. However, it is my belief that this leads to confusion for beginners and only opens the door to misunderstandings. That being said, we will be using timers and their associated GPIO ports with Alternate Function modes.